My wife and I have decide to take the jump. We have a lot of question. Hope to have the hoop house up in October we are planing a 20`x 30` house. Hope to have fish going my the end of February 2011. The fish we are planing to grow are tilapia and yellow perch we hope on the perch if we can find someone to sell us some. We plan to use 2 x 10` pools and to 2 x 8`pools {WATER AMOUNT 14.963 LITERS OR 3.950 GAL} . What we would like to know is how do you find out how much grow beds space do we have to have to filter the water. Oh we were thinking after we get up and running we could put about a 130 - 1/2 lb tilapia in one 8` pool and some where around 60 - 1/2 lb perch in the other 8`pool. The 2-10` pool are for grow out. Hope were thinking right.