Hi ,

My wife and I just got back from from a 1 day workshop in Columbus on " The Four P's of a safe and Sustainable Aquaculture Industry: Practices, Presentation, Promotion and the Press"
It was sponsored by the National Aquaculture Assoc. and the United Soybean Board. Associate Sponsors: Ohio Dept. of Agriculture, Ohio State University Extension, OSU Ohio Agriculture Research and Development Center (OARDC), Ohio Aquaculture Assoc. (OAA), and Fish Farmers of Ohio.
After this long introduction, I'll get to the point. For those of you that are in Ohio or close to. I would recommend joining the O.A.A. They work with OSU and the state to develop the aquaculture industry.
The next workshop up will be in the Wooster area (my neck of the woods). The workshop will be on the topic of money. How to get money for aquaculture. How to make money in Aquaculture, What to do with the money you make.
They will have reps. from the USDA, ODA, SARE, FSA, OSU, and bankers from around the state and investors to you help you in grants, cost share, and low interest loans.
Cost: $25.00 includes lunch.
Register with Julie Strawer-Moose Information Associate
OSU South Centers
740-289-2071 ext. 223
800-297-2072 ext. 223
This may scare those of you just starting. This state and some of the others have very good programs to help those who want to develop your hobby into a business.
The aquaculture industry in the US is an 8 billion dollar business with over 80% of it imported. We can make this country more independent by growing locally. Aquaponics is perfect.
