hello all, and hello again Big Al..

i'm a few blocks from lake erie in northeast ohio, started my first system in may, a 110gal ft, 2 55 gallon barrels in half for 4 growbeds, based on barrelponics by Travis H., i made it in two pairs so that i can bring one pair indoors over winter and hopefully breed some fish
i started the system with humonia, after it was cycling i added minnows and 2 weeks ago this saturday added 15 hybrid bluegill, 2 dozen softshell crayfish, and 1 sucker fish..
i was kind of hoping that the bg would eat the minnows but they're getting too big (the minnows that is)
i'm hoping to get 20 to 30 perch in a few weeks.
anyways, looking forward to learning more here!
anyone here grow duckweed? and if so,, flowing water, aerated, still.. what works for you?