I've been lurking here for awhile while I get things together for a modified CHOP2 system. I'm in Middletown, MD and i'm hoping to lower my food bills throughout the year by growing tilapia, crayfish, and various veggies/peppers/basil/etc indoors year-round

I say a modified CHOP2 system because I'm going to try having the fish tank run first to a filter to remove solids before it drops to the sump.

I've been collecting pieces for this for some time now and hopefully I'll be ready to assemble everything very soon now. So far I have the following pieces:
1. 1000gph water pump
2. air pump (it's a strong one.. don't remember the stats)
3. 330gal IBC tote cut so there's about 265gal fish tank and the rest for DWC.
4. 3x 55 gallon barrels to use as sump + media grow beds (I may add another barrel for a combined sump as I have a free source of them.)
5. various lumber pieces & concrete blocks
6. Way too much plumbing stuff
7. 36000 lumens of light via LED's (only 320watts!) that I bought off Aliexpress (I measured them with a lux meter and they're legit)
8. (probably forgetting something)