Hi everyone!

I am located in "Sunny" San Diego... more like OVERCAST San Diego right now

I've always LOVED to garden and grow my own plants, fruits and vegetables. We moved into a condo about 6 years ago where it has a tiny little Patio and at first I was very excited, shortly after moving in I tried to build my own greenhouse there and had done quite and extensive mini greenhouse, however... sadly the HOA sent me a letter to take down my "structure" so I had to destroy it... heartbroken and discouraged I was without many awesome plants, but I also came to realized that my EAST facing condo patio on the 1st floor was not ideal since the SUN would rise and cast about 1-2 hours of direct sunlight onto the patio dirt floor.... pfft not nearly enough to properly grow anything.

Well after a while I learned about Hydroponics and decided to give it another shot because the raised garden would actually THEN obtain 6-8 hrs of sunlight so here I am!!