Quote Originally Posted by keith_r
worms don't "poo dirt".. read some of the articles posted
Not intending to be arguementative, but, ummm.......yes they do - depending on your definition of "dirt". According to the online dictionary "dirt" doesn't necessarily have to be anything solid such as tiny, tiny grains of solids such as sand, etc - which is what first came to mind when reading this discussion. From everything I've read/learned from keeping a worm bed for a few years, worms don't eat "dirt". They eat the bacteria that is breaking down the organic stuff in the ground, or in my case, the grow beds. By my reasoning, which to my wife is quite often flawed, worms don't excrete the traditional form of dirt that comes to mind, but rather something "dirty"(doesn't sound right to me either, but I don't know any other way to say it), which may eventually break down further into something else as long as the "dirt" doesn't pile up to an unmanageable level. I don't know what eats worm "dirt", but I would guess something does. Other bacteria, maybe? Just sayin'........
And, I totally agree with the general concensus here........if what you're doing is working for you, then by all means keep on keepin' on.