Quote Originally Posted by FloridaChris
Dave, just to be clear this just adds minerals in the water to help the plants. It does not help speed up the nitrification process, correct? So it'll be a small shot of energy for the long haul ahead of me correct? I have read that the nitrifying bacteria takes about a month to build up and you should wait until then to plant anything. Just debating on whether I should spend my time and money on planting any seedlings I buy from HD or a grower now or to wait...
Correct. It won't help nitrification but it will add nutrients. Best to get the type with chelated iron as iron may be difficult for plants to uptake with our high ph Florida water.

So long as you have an ammonia source, there's no need to delay in adding plants. Plants will uptake nitrogenous waste whether it's in ammonia, nitrite, or nitrate form.