Thanks Oliver, for pointing me to you guys' forum. I'm looking forward to reading up on all the info that you guys have spent thousands of hours putting together. My mission is to create a Bioponics system (aquaponics+vermiponics) that will produce lettuce and spring mix for a deli that i have in downtown LA. I have had freshwater aquariums for about 5 years now, and been vermicomposting for about a year. I hope that you guys can help me to finalize the design of a system that will enable me to incorparete the two to provide an OrganiCali Home Grown product to my customers. I will find a place to discuss my conceptual design ideas in detail and will look forward to your feedback and suggestions..!!

Thanks again for creating a place like this and inviting me to participate. I look forward to sharing my progress and results.

Your new friends,
Anthony - 44
Alipreya - 29 and holding
Ayden - 5
Alicyn - Arriving 03.22.13..