Hi Oliver, I see you have an awsome amount of experience with aquaponics, and I've read your 101 info. I'm trying to get started and would like your feedback please as I am simply not able to do the figuring even as good as all your writing is.

I am planning four flood and drain beds, 4'x8'x12" using pea gravel, and I understand that each bed would hold 96 gallons, considering the gravel, for a total of 384 gallons. And a 6' diameter round 2' deep uv protected fish tank that holds 320 gallons.

I am planning on using the type of gold fish that only get to be about 3 or 4 inches.

As far as the tank sizes go, does it sound like it will work out good?

I am planning enough sump tanks for the flow, and these will hold duckweed and floating rafts.

In my system, I am planning on the fish tank level to remain the same at all times. So my last question is, when sizing the pump, shouldn't I only go by the gallons in the grow beds, x's 4 cycles an hour, and with a bit more for elevation?

Thanks Oliver, Bill.