Hi everyone
Figured it was time to document my first IBC system. I had the Travis Pretty Blue barrel system last year. I dismantled that so I could incorporated it into the IBC system later. I am finding I have a lot more questions than I had with the barrelponics. Travis did such an great job, the questions were answered that I didn't even know the questions existed. So the learning starts/continues.

From the beginning: IBC won't fit thru the greenhouse door.........Humm duh. Ok we will cut outside and move in. Humm measures still to big. Crap, not good. OK lets look at this. Hey the bottom will unscrew from the big part of tank. Sweet, wait, will it go back on like it is supposed to? Ya it will. Go for it. Ok so far. Going thru door was a VERY tight fit. Easy, ok wiggle a little more, easy with door frame. E A S Y Ok it is inside. Phew Barrels went thru easily. without being cut, duh.

All put back together ready to put media in. Media is river pebbles that has been washed and rewashed and.........You get the pic.

FT sides were reinforced with 2x4's to support the GB and give it a level platform. Also ran a couple 2x4's under the GB for additional support.

To be continued......