Hello all,

Like most newbies I just stumbled haphazardly across AP in the last few weeks. I plan on piecing together a chift pist system using a combination of Rubbermaid stock tanks and IBCs. My current project that takes precedence over the AP system is to replace our Red Eared Slider's (Lemmy) pond with a 300 Gallon Rubbermaid Stock tank/pond. Once Lemmy has her (yes, Lemmy is a male name but my wife has a bad habit of naming pets before discovering their sex..) new home then I am starting on the AP system. I thought about using the turtle tank to supply grow water but it will be in another corner of the yard and one turtle (no plans for more) really doesn't produce too much waste. Anyway it will be Mos Tilapia in a 300 gall Rubbermaid for starters I imagine.
