Hello! I just joined the forum - I've been reading about aquaponics non-stop for a week or so now ... I came upon the term when researching different methods for producing my own food - or rather, producing a protein source for my beloved dogs

I have fed my dogs a raw, natural diet a few years ago, but obtaining a steady and affordable source of food for them is a challenge where I live ... so I begrudgingly switched back to kibble for convenience. I've tried in vain to find a local food supplier but the only option I have in my area is to order direct from Winnipeg (I don't have enough freezer space for the minimum order I'd need to place) or purchase raw pre-packaged food from the pet store (wayyyyy too expensive) ... so (being the determined gal I am) I decided to look into options for raising my own food. The idea of raising my own fish AND veggies got me pretty excited ... so I'm hoping this forum will bear with me as I study and learn and hopefully get a small system going so I can learn the ropes!!!