It took only a few minutes to discover that I love this website!!!

I'm hoping to learn to grow lettuces and herbs year round while farming fish. Can I do this inside a barn with nothing but grow lights??? We need help with ventilation so we don't have it all figured out just yet. I cannot tell you how happy I am to find this website! My husband and I both have jobs but we're determined to get this going this year! I stand in the grocery store and stare at veggies in the winter-time not wanting to buy a thing. It all looks depleted of any and all nutrients. We've got to find a way to have salads in the wintertime...and hopefully sell our extras at Locally Grown (our local co-op of farmers, chefs and customers who want the most chemical-free foods possible.). My answer to that was to have lettuce growing all winter long.

Our family is getting baby chicks soon and considering a dairy goat. We started a farm last year selling locally. Our small farm sells starter plants (still working on a license for that), veggies, figs, melons, berries, rabbits, and worm fertilizer (worm farming creates the best fertilizer).

I am so happy to be here! I can tell I'll learn a lot!