@foodchain Yes, a salty well, meaning NaCl, would provide the chloride ions that would help reduce the effects of nitrite toxicity on fish.

It's great that you are willing to share your experiences and observations with us, that kind of knowledge sharing is a cornerstone of this community so no newbie thinks you are stating it as gospel. Just make sure you always disclaimer it in some way. Folks fall pray to the mentality that if they "think" they figured out the causality of an observation then they start stating it as fact, which leads to the dissemination of misinformation A.K.A. folklore. Often times, it's wrong information and you will see me chime in quite passionately on the topic. Be advised, this is normal behavior.

This may have been your first time, but I think you realize the benefit of doing research and trying to validate your own conclusions using research or science before trying to tell others (not saying you did at all) that what you think what you figured out is the ultimate Truth.

When I harass you guys, it makes you learn, which then releases me from having to harass as much because then you harass the newbies and they learn (don't think your harassment has gone unnoticed keith, refeiller, nice work fellers).

It's a vicious cycle, I know.