To be fair....People are by general more herd sheep. There are sheep, wolves and sheepdogs. The wolves will always come, sometimes in the night, sometimes at day...but they come. It's thier nature...they prey on the weak, physically weak and weak minded. The sheep aren't oblivous, they see what happens, but go back to grazing and chewing cud. The sheepdog on the other hand gets rather upset when the scent of a wolf or other sign is present. In people, the sheepdog is prone to certain personalities...I beleive more type A people...but that's just my opinion. In any event, the sheepdog stands the ground in defense of the sheep...regardless of how many wolves come, for it's only the sheepdog between the wolf and the sheep. When the wolves are at my door....I will answer, no need to knock twice. Will anyone else?

You have to remember....911 is just minutes away, when seconds count. I have seen both what wolves, sheep, and sheepdogs can do. Every combat soldier or officer that has ever seen real combat has. But we have also seen what the sheepdog can do.
Most if not all that have seen what the current issueing of the 5.56 round will do to flesh. And why it's one of the most inhuman rounds we have carried. For instead of killing, it cripples and mames it's targets.