I have 2 different types of Riverbed systems I am currently using one uses pvc downspout as channels for the nutrient rich water to flow through, the other one uses a flat shallow pan filled with gravel and a higher inlet than the outlet, this way the water must flow accross the riverbed and out the tubing at the other end, and the entire grow bed gets wet. My question is I am working on an outdoor riverbed type system where I plan on having a smallish pond (less than 800 gal) feed 2 riverbeds that will be used as grow beds. Each Riverbed will be aprox 10 ft long, 3 ft wide and betweem 6-10 inches deep. The water will be pumped to the back of the riverbeds and will waterfall back into the pond. I figure I can grow corn, peppers, tomatoes, ect in the riverbeds during the summer and lettuces in the winter months. Has anyone done this, does it seem feasable???

Riverside California