Well I don't have complete knowledge but this site and Some newsletters have given me a lot of info to work with.

But nothing beats on the Job training. failure always helps to get you to success. for years I have had very low levels of Nitrate, Nitrite and Ammonia. After analyzing all I have been doing I figured out what I was doing wrong. Now I have my Ammonia up just a little above 0.0, my Nitrite to about 0.14 and my Nitrate at 8.0 and for a small system that is good ratio. I have been able to keep my pH at 6.8-7.2 with an average of 7.0. which is optimal. I found that if you will maintain the 7.0 the system will keep the Nitrites, Ammonia and Nitrates more stable. plus add more air pumps a high DO never hurts.

I will be planting some more lettuce and pechay tomorrow, some Celery started sprouting after a month when I put the seeds in. Not sure why but we did have a temperature drop.

anyway I always give free that which I have received. I want to be a help to as many as I can.