Quote Originally Posted by davidstcldfl
Quote Originally Posted by cedarswamp
David's right on the volume, I assumed everything was DWC.
I wasn't sure either...

Quote Originally Posted by cedarswamp
If I'm not mistaken some folks are having difficulty obtaining organic status for aquaponicly grown produce. I think I read that Friendly Aquaponics had lost their certification recently due to bureaucratic red tape.
If I remember correctly, Friendly lost their 'food safety cert' due to red tape....'not' their organic cert.
Something about un-processed 'animal' waste being too close to the food product.... The inspector didn't make the connection with cold blooded VS warm blooded animals and the concern with Ecoli.
That's because the inspectors aren't environmental scientists or anything close that would understand the implications. They're just government monkeys doing what the puppet master tells them to do so they can keep their easy jobs. It's really a shame the government over regulates and then does a piss poor job at it. They're hurting small businesses and then complaining about the economy needing stimulation, what a joke.