Quote Originally Posted by Shas

That is the most lucid set of instructions I have seen yet.
Laying the parts out on plywood to photograph them
is simply brilliant.
Better than a five-page manual.

I have a question, though-
you replaced your bell syphon with this,
but this can't provide the fill-and-drain action, right?
So, what has been your experience
insofar as success with growing vegetables
in a constant-height rather than tidal water feed?

Or tell me I'm wrong
and that this does somehow fill and drain...
Sorry this is so late, I've been away for a long while .... The no-holes siphon system keeps the water at the same level at all times, I don't think the flood and drain (Bell siphon) would work in conjunction with the no-holes, because you'd break the siphon of the no-holes when the bell siphon drained (unless you were able to somehow regulate the level of the Bell siphon's draining. Also, the water sould be very deep, maybe too much for the no-holes (I've not tried this, just guessing)
In answer to your other question, I grew 11 foot Tomato plants using the no-holes - they were so tall and bushy, they grew past two windows and up to the ceiling in my shop - the neighbors were beginning to think I was growing pot - when I heard about that I got rid of my tomatos in favor of lettuce I'm not much of a gardener, and I didn't know that you were supposed to limit the height and bushiness of the tomato plants so they can produce more (and bigger) tomatos