I think they got dropped for lack of interest. From what I was told, there just wasn't much in them.
Much of what we seem to do is 'shared' and is free info for the DIY'er.
At first I left this blank...but now I believe: "It's better to keep your mouth closed, and have the world think your a fool, than open it and confirm it."
It's an awesome forum,
just exactly what I have been looking for.
I just wish I could find those Classifieds.
I'm thinking their invisibility must be decreasing the sales by a bunch.
OH, I just realize what you were talking about. Yea, those have been gone for a while. There wasn't much on them to begin with.
No, nothing in particular.
I just notice that often people say
"where can I get this or that?"
and the answer is
"Check out the classifieds."
So I was surprised to find that there are no classifieds.
I figured I was just overlooking something.
That happens, you know.
Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you're a nice person
is like expecting a bull not to charge you because you're a vegetarian.