I have to give an "AMEN" to Badflash on his remark. A garden at the White House doesn't amount to much when you take a close look at some of the things Pres. Obama is signing into law and how they affects our American way of life.

He supports the action his predecessor Pres. Bush started in 2005....the American Union between America, Mexico and Canada essentially eliminating our borders all together.

He has signed into law the GIVE Act...which will require all American youths between the ages of 18 and 25 to attend a 3 month boot camp which will essentially have the purpose of brain washing them and limiting their religious and political activities....that's how Hitler started.

Maybe this isn't the time for it or maybe it is....right or wrong....in addition to being a dyed in the wool Aquaponics nut, I am an American Patriot.

I served my country during the Cuban Blockade and Viet Nam and I believe it's high time those elected individuals who are treading on the Constitution of the United States and the Declaration of Independence be put out to pasture and send Obama who is chipping away at both of those sacred documents little by little right along with the rest of the manure although they probably wouldn't even make good tea.

For those of you who view this forum that are Americans, I invite you to view my other website......if it offends you, I do hope you will allow me the courtesy to state my views without holding them against me.

It is my right as well as it is yours to make known what you believe through free speech. As Americans, we do still have that right at least at this time, but for how long it remains to be seen.

I am not a terrorist nor do I wish to overthrow our government….my purpose is to bring to the attention of those who will listen, that we, as Americans, need to be focusing on the big picture of what is happening in America, not small or petty differences or even Tax Day Tea Parties (although that is a small step in the right direction).

I want to see America get out of the ditch the Republicans and Democrats have collectively put it into and back on the highway and running in the direction it should to restore and maintain our American way of life as the Founding Fathers intended.

Check out the site and the blog (there is also a forum though no members at present)

If you don’t do anything else, at least watch the “We The People” video.
