Sorry I missed this. I'm not sure how that happened. I always check for new posts and active topics, but somehow I didn't pick this up.

I feed mine sinking catfish pellets. 1 per day per crayfish, then one more if they have polished all of it off at night.

I keep mine at 77.

Don't add fish. These are too docile and the fish will just pick off any eggs or babies.

Vacuum the bottom of the tank once a week with your water changes. Of course if this is in an aquaponics setup, water changes are not needed, but vacuuming is. These guys won't give you much of a bio-load.

BTW- A power filter sucking on an udergravel filter is what I use in my 40 gallon tank that is loaded with 'krebs. The gravel will need cleaning weekly. A 10 will be fine for now, but you should go shopping for a 20 long or breeder tank. Crays need surface area.