I've been seeing these advertised everywhere...they even sell the in Home Depot. I've given a considerable amount of thought to them and have to admit they make perfect sense in a manner...with them hanging up-side-down...you don't have to tie the vines up to give them support for their weight plus the weight of the fruit.
However, if you did a greenhouse full of them, you'd have to have some hellaschish (?) construction to support all the weight of them...couldn't be used for aquaponics or at least I don't see a way nor do I consider it feasible to even pursue to find out...just babbling about the fads that companies put out that attract $$$ out of some people's pockets.
Nothing like good ole American ingenuity to keep the grey matter bubblin’
Anyone got anything going with Tomatoes? A little input and photos would be nice to spur the world on to a better way of life.