My new Aquaponics project I plan to set up is a simple system of a 15 gallon aquarium pumping into a 10 gallon tote via a ECO185 pump. The tote will contain 10 inches of hydrotron, the plants are grew was seedlings in rock wool and then placed in the hydrotron. I will build a 9 inch bell siphon to drain the water 1 inch below the top of the gravel. I have a large grow light set on an hourly timer that is hung above and will provide plenty of lighting for the plants. The tank is currently running with 2 air stones and 3 filters to get rid of all the chlorine etc in the water. I will continue this process for a few days until I acquire the clay pebbles. From here I will cycle the system with plants but without fish for 4 weeks or so until I see that the nitrogen cycle is working properly. Then i will slowly add a fish every 2 or 3 days obeying the 1 inch of fish per gallon rule. I plan to use baby koi to begin as I have a large koi pond in my backyard and once the fish are big enough I plan to transfer them gradually using another tank to introduce the 2 water types.

Any advice its gladly accepted