Well if any of you would like to come down here and help me get set up I will give you free room and board. Preferred no smoking, no drinking or drug use. Good practicing Christian if possible. but ok if just fit the requirements

I am having a time just lining up materials to make things. I found 2-1000 liter containers to use for fish tanks. I was planning on cutting them in half to make 4-500 liter tanks. with a single 500 liter grow bed per tank. start with one with many small Black Paku after they grow I can transfer so there are two to four per tank nearing the size for eating.

there is a Talapia aquaculture farm down south I want to visit to see what are the best type of Talapia to use. best to buy them when they are four inches long then you can put 10 or more per tank.

I don't have the funds (living by faith, we are not your traditional missionaries) to buy some books on the subject of Aquaponics. if anyone has any books they would like to share please send them along.