Hey guys, I found this thread when I was doing some keyword research for my ebay store. Before you light me up for spamming, I thought I could help you guys out with some questions you may have. I have been selling ultrasonic foggers since the old days, and could probably provide some insight for you guys.

First, looking through the posts, the fog that could not reach your roots is normal. Fog is heavier that air, it must be circulated with a small fan if you are going to use it in a deep reservoir. They work best in a pvc tube or fencepost hydroponics if you are not going to use a fan. Let gravity do the work.

I saw mentioned that the mist maker heats the water. This is true, and it is ok for cloning, but not growing to full term. Use a separate fan fed reservoir looped in with your system, or use gravity to draw out the mist.

As far as keeping clean water, this is somewhat true. If there are really heavy solids in the water, it will reduce performance. Some fertilizers are better than others, always use a low salt fert. Salt kills!

Keeping the discs clean... Maybe I shouldn't say anything, but I hate to see people waste money. To maintain the discs without having to buy new, take them out of your water fogger and soak them in vinegar for a few hours... just like new.

If you guys have any other questions, just ask.