What is the best thing for hornworms, or whatever those little B@st@rds are called? Tonight I noticed that they nearly obliterated my broccoli plants. They were so delicate to get started, they were getting nice and strong then bam. I smashed three that I found but, I want to eliminate any possibility of eggs or babies that I couldn't see. Any suggestions on a safe solution? Thanks
"bt" is bacillus thuringiensis - a soil dwelling bacterium that is fish safe..
"de" is diatomaceous earth, another fish safe pest control, good for slugs/ants, etc
please use the correct DE. There's more than one kind. Just a thought.
At first I left this blank...but now I believe: "It's better to keep your mouth closed, and have the world think your a fool, than open it and confirm it."
i use an old spice jar with a shaker lid and sprinkle on the growbeds, especially around the base of plants being attacked.. bottom side of leaves is good too