you should see him with my newest project...
I have 2 small wind turbines that are connected to 2 batteries each, fuses, circuit panel I made and then to the voltage regulator and finally to some grid tie invertors...
When I first took him out to the Aviary to see the system and try to explain to him how it works...
He simply said "It looks like you are creating a bomb out here!"

Ah... he simply feels overwhelmed with the information I tried to give him... So much for getting him involved in yet another project!
Heaven forbid if he were to watch me clean up a 1/2 horsepower electric motor I found buried in the aviary... He would really be convinced then!

I am also building a DIY HHO system for the car but he insists I do it on his old pickup first.. before my car...

such is life in the country...LOL