This thread is for all of the info we can gather on the uses of charcoal in Aquaculture, and Aquaponics. There is another discussion on the forum that has revived my desire to figure out how to manufacture my own activated charcoal. I go through a lot of charcoal with my fish - Here in Montana, the costs of heating my 20'x75' (sorry, I don't know that measurement in meters ) ex-saloon/shop/warehouse would be cost-prohibitive, so I do Aquaponics in our 3 month summer (if we have one) and Aquaculture the rest of the year. I know that some may not agree with the use of charcoal, but it's been a facination for me for a long time, I just haven't found the right info for it yet. I'm hoping that dennis will share some of his extensive knowledge with us in this thread. If you're not interested in charcoal, or it's manufacture, "Move Along, There's Nothing to See Here." Please don't hijack this thread with FUD, if you can't add to the discussion, don't comment at all THX

I've learned something in the past few days - powdered activated charcoal can be ingested to remove toxins from your body! I've read that coconut shells make the best activated charcoal, but wood also makes a fine charcoal. Our Lodgepole Pine burns up into ashes in a short time, so I suppose that the softer woods would not be as good for charcoal as hardwoods would.

Any info that you can provide would be very helpful to me and any others interested in making their own charcoal.