I'll be glad to answer your rant when I find time for it, and I will.....until then...if you don't like what you read on this thread....no one is forcing you to read it.

True...this forum is about aquaponics...the Sump Thread however was created for what settles to the bottom....as in SUMP....nothing to do with aquaponics, but everyone is welcome to read and respond on it as long as they don't get personal. Up until your post....we were all doing just fine without trying to rip each other apart because of what we know or believe in.

I won't ask for an apology because I don't think you can see where you went wrong and that's the shame of it, however that's OK, I will survive. Apparently my skin is a little thicker than yours.

You truly need to re-read what your wrote. I know you didn't mean it as a joke, but some of it is actually hilarious while some parts of it I do agree with especially when you were making sounds like a conservative.

Maybe you need to slow down on the home-made hootch. I don't think it's good for your blood pressure.