Last night's episode was the 3rd time Mythbusters busted the Archemedes Solar Death ray. The Prez send Adam and Jamie out to try again, this time with more man power. Once again it failed. Seems like his MO. Try something that has failed in the past, try it again with more manpower & money, when that fails, use more people & spend more money.

Think Stimulus Package 1,2 and 3 and extending the unemployment benefits.

Sweeden had an interesting experiment. At first they had unemployent for 5 years. They found that when it ran out, people went back to work in a few weeks, so they cut it back to 4 and got the same results, then 3, then 2. Each time people went back to work once they stopped getting free money. We do just the opposite. Start with a year, then 2, then 3, now 5?