I got three today, they weren't too expensive ..... I've looked all over the Internet and the closest I can come is that they are a Procambarus Fallax Clik( I was hoping they were a Marmorkreb and the LFS didn't know it ....... but they're more speckled than marbled, so that's out
......... at the same time, they aren't as speckled as the pics of the speckled crayfish ........ The LFS just called them a crayfish, but they didn't know what kind they were ...... when I figure out how to put a pic up, I'll try to get a good pic of one or more of them and put it up in case someone can identify them.
Hopefully by Sunday or so .......
I also decided that this would be a good thread to start in case someone gets crawdads that they can't identify, or have been mis-identified by a LFS, that way if they put a pic up, others may be able to help them come close to an identification.