Ok, so now this is starting to make some sense to me. Do you cover the drain holes with screening to keep the gravel from being sucked in??? Or do you use a much larger gravel. I have been using all purpose gravel which has varing sizes unlike pea gravel which seems to be pretty much the same size.
Home Depo is charging me $2.47 for each bag and it takes about 2 1/2 bags to fill a 7 gal growbed to a little over 3/4The pea gravel is a little more than $3 a bag for the same amount, which is why I have been going with the all purpose... either way I do have to wash the gravel because of the amount of mud in them, some are definatly worse than others, as I found out a couple of years ago when I dumped a bag into my new pond and turned it into a big mud puddle... The bag says that it is washed but it is not, I complained to the company and they sent out a rep who brought me 4 more bags to the 3 I had bought but all were just nasty with mud... This years group of bags is just as bad...
The washed pea gravel for landscaping that really is washed nicely is over $5 a bag so I am not going there.