Quote Originally Posted by urbanfarmer
Quote Originally Posted by davidstcldfl
Hi urbanfarmer, You must be planning on a big system... Could you please start a thread in "A Place To Say Hello" and share what your planning ? Or, even "Backyard Systems", if you've already started. We like pictures too....
Looking forward to hearing about your progress..
I'm still researching and writing up the business plan! You can't rush perfection, sheesh! LOL

I'm hoping my system will feed me, my family, and offset my lack of income... I'm in search for some CHEAP land. I just looked at an acre lot that had a natural pond on it. Nothing huge, but it's an easy 1200 pounds of fish or more a year from it with no equipment to buy! That's only like $2000 revenue though; so, I gotta finish planning out the aquafarm design. Tilapia don't seem that lucrative, and finding buyers for the fish and veggies seems like a full-time job in itself. Have you heard of local wholesalers that buy up these items or even food coops that might partner with small timers like us???
I've also been considering some sort of business plan, I was thinking kinda of a local food production co-op/restaurant/wine&cheese/market/viewing area. I'm down for significant time and money investment if I can find someone that can get through the red tape and expense of "The Peoples Republic of Kommifornia"! Maybe we could call it a "Trade Union" and it will fly through like the fish had wings!