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Thread: Best Pump EVER

  1. #1
    Moderator urbanfarmer's Avatar
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    Best Pump EVER

    Okay, best I have found so far. Here are the key features that I think make it so great

    • Passes up to 1.25" solids
      3000 GPH @ 5' for 150 Watts
      Max Head 18' @ 600 GPH
      2 Year Warranty

    I have searched far and wide, and this seems to be one of the best pumps for a backyard to small commercial aquaponic setup. I hope to build my "large" aquaponic system to run off 1 powerful pump, and I hope I can pull it off. However, I think my system might end up being far too big for this little pump... so maybe, maybe I will use several of them in tandem, which will eliminate a single point of failure in my system and take advantage of the Watt efficiency in this model.

    What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    Moderator davidstcldfl's Avatar
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    Saint Cloud FL USA

    Re: Best Pump EVER

    It's a good idea to have redundant pumps (need a check valve on each one, incase it does shut down)

    3 things to consider....

    1- how high do you need to pump ? (head)
    2- how many gallons is your fish tank ?
    rule of want to move the fish tank's water twice an hour
    3- wattage...better quality pumps use less electric.
    The higher it pumps, the more watts. The wattages given, are normally at '0' head, unless
    otherwise noted .

    The pump you listed says at 5 ft of head it pumps 3000 gals if your tank isn't higher then 5 ft and it's aprox 1500 gallons, this pump might be ok.

    Most pumps have a 'performance curve chart' shows how much water it will pump at a given head.
    You may have already seen it (?) They show the chart for this pump, if you click on 'view more images' and go to the 2nd page.

    I oversize my supply pipes.....uses slightly less electric( less presure) and eventually you'll lose a little flow, do to bio film build up

    Good luck...hope this helps some. Hopefully some others will point out some things too.
    "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." - President Ronald Reagan

  3. #3
    Moderator stucco's Avatar
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    Re: Best Pump EVER

    That is a fancy lookin pump
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Southwest Ohio

    Re: Best Pump EVER

    Though this pump is pricey, it is very impressive as far as efficiency. Seems like a good find.

  5. #5
    Moderator urbanfarmer's Avatar
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    Re: Best Pump EVER

    The main thing I liked about it is that it moved solids. How do you guys get the solids out of the fish tanks? Do you push water into the tank and allow the physics of it force out the solids through the pipes to the sumps? I was thinking that the pump would directly remove the solids, that's why I was looking at this one.

  6. #6
    Moderator badflash's Avatar
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    Re: Best Pump EVER

    I'm using a cheap $35 intex pump used for their 8' pool. 80 watts and it puts out 10 GPM at 6+ feet. It passes fish poop just fine.
    The best fertilizer is the farmer's shadow

  7. #7
    Moderator urbanfarmer's Avatar
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    Zone 9b

    Re: Best Pump EVER

    Quote Originally Posted by badflash
    I'm using a cheap $35 intex pump used for their 8' pool. 80 watts and it puts out 10 GPM at 6+ feet. It passes fish poop just fine.
    Hm, thanks. I failed to check the obvious... pool pumps! I will have to research that.

    However, comparing 3000 GPH @ 160 watts vs. 600 GPH @ 80 watts, that means to have 3000 GPH it would take 400 watts. The price difference in the pumps ($45 difference for 5 pumps vs. 1 of those) would be made up in 2 months ($24.50 extra in electric every month with the wattage difference) with my local electric costs (13.6 cents per KWh), but I will try to see if there are more efficient pool pumps and post here.

  8. #8
    Moderator davidstcldfl's Avatar
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    Saint Cloud FL USA

    Re: Best Pump EVER

    Hi urbanfarmer, You must be planning on a big system... Could you please start a thread in "A Place To Say Hello" and share what your planning ? Or, even "Backyard Systems", if you've already started. We like pictures too....
    Looking forward to hearing about your progress..
    "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." - President Ronald Reagan

  9. #9
    Moderator urbanfarmer's Avatar
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    Zone 9b

    Re: Best Pump EVER

    Quote Originally Posted by davidstcldfl
    Hi urbanfarmer, You must be planning on a big system... Could you please start a thread in "A Place To Say Hello" and share what your planning ? Or, even "Backyard Systems", if you've already started. We like pictures too....
    Looking forward to hearing about your progress..
    I'm still researching and writing up the business plan! You can't rush perfection, sheesh! LOL

    I'm hoping my system will feed me, my family, and offset my lack of income... I'm in search for some CHEAP land. I just looked at an acre lot that had a natural pond on it. Nothing huge, but it's an easy 1200 pounds of fish or more a year from it with no equipment to buy! That's only like $2000 revenue though; so, I gotta finish planning out the aquafarm design. Tilapia don't seem that lucrative, and finding buyers for the fish and veggies seems like a full-time job in itself. Have you heard of local wholesalers that buy up these items or even food coops that might partner with small timers like us???

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Philippines, Las Pinas

    Re: Best Pump EVER

    im using seaquest 2200 submursible pump I think it cost $11 but here its around PHP 500

    2200 LPH @ 25watts @ 5' been using it for 2 years now and its still running

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