Well, This has been an interesting read for someone new to the forum, a lot to think about. Can Organic farming and small scale farming be a sustainable business?? I would like to think so, but I do not see it just yet, where I live anyway! The truth is in my area minimum wage jobs is the norm. Quality, seems to matter less and less in our society, people just want something NOW, that is cheap (or so it seems). Much of the problem is people do not fully understand the cost of many of the food choices they make. Like putting money on a credit card, eating unhealthy food does not hurt immediately. Consumers have to be educated as to the benefits of an Organic or Local product, so they can fully understand and appreciate, why they should pay more for your product over the processed product in the store, that in all honesty $$ wise is probably cheaper.
Big business such as Walmart and Con-Agri and a whole list of other Big Agribusiness everyone loves to hate, have become what they are today, because we (that is right you and me have to take some of the credit) just like everyone else, stopped buying locally when they came to town and started shopping there, because it was cheaper, we could buy MORE. Now years later when they are the only ones left, The true cost of our choices really show. They price what they want and they sell what they can make the most profit selling, no mater if it is healthy or not. We as individuals must buy it, because they have squeezed everyone else out of business. Or, by our choices( that is right you and me) did we do that???
We as individuals, as small Mom and Pop stores and small farms have lost our place at the economic table and it will not be easy to get it back. The truth is, some of us or all of us will have to work long hours, get by on small profits, and spend years barely making it, if small farms are going to regain their place as local providers. We will have to do it, not for the reasons the Big Agribusiness does it, because there are millions to be made, but because we BELIEVE in what we are doing. Because we believe our efforts will benefit others. Because we Believe our children's future depends on it. We will need the help and support of our neighbors and communities to succeed. Please, do not expect help from your local grocery stores, they will not appreciate the competition, it is bad for their business.
I will be honest, I am a Christian and I believe a certain way, and I make no apology for that, but please hear me out. The Bible says in the end days men will become lovers of themselves. Many people think this is talking about homosexuality? I beg to differ. I believe it is referring to what we see everywhere now in our society. People both men and women, becoming lovers of themselves, caring only for what is best for ME, not what is best for us as a society. People no longer care what is best for their friends, family and community. When the Walmarts and big Agribusiness started squeezing out the Mom and Pop operations we did not care what happened to them, we were saving money, and now we are seeing the real cost of our choices. When we start to care about our community, we will again start to support local small farms and local organic farming operations, and we will force Big Agribusiness out of OUR communities. But we all must think of what is best for us. We must not only want to eat healthy ourselves, but we must educate our consumers on how we can help them eat healthier also. We must quit thinking what is best for ME. Our communities used to provide local food and there is no real reason, why it could not be possible today.