I emailed Dr. martin Gent and he was kind enough to reply to me. I am taking his word
for it since he is an expert in his field.

Dear Sir,
Your probably a busy man I know but can I ask you a question? Is it possible to use
worm tea or better way for me to say that is "compost tea" made from worm castings
in a hydroponic system? I hear the microbes die then a slim clogs the pumps and just
makes a mess of the hydroponic system. But I am so sure and the reason I ask is
because I have not seen any solid evidence that this is always true since everyone
makes tea with so many types of different compost.

Anyway thanks ahead of time

His reply:

Dear Jeff,
You have correctly identified on of the problems with using organic amendments
in hydroponics systems, namely they can clog pumps and filters. CropKing is
a commercial supplier http://www.cropking.com/index.shtml?ref=google
that has done a lot of work to develop systems that can use not-completely-soluble fertilizers.

A more serious problem with organic fertilizers is to get the proper mix of nutrient N-P-K etc.
You should have your compost tea or worm-casting tea analyzed to see what else
needs to be added.

Martin Gent