Here's a list of those organizations in favor and those opposed plus a link to a question and answer page that is enlightening.


American Frozen Food Institute
Grocery Manufacturers Association
National Fisheries Institute
United Fresh Produce Association
National Restaurant Association
Produce Marketing Association
General Mills
Kraft Foods North America
Consumers Union
Center for Science in the Public Interest
Food Marketing Institute
American Public Health Association
Center for Foodborne Illness Research and Prevention
Consumer Federation of America
International Bottled Water Association
National Association of Manufacturers
National Confectioners Association
National Consumers League
Pew Charitable Trust
Trust for America's Health
Snack Food Association
Safe Tables Our Priority (STOP)
American Bakers Association
American Beverage Association
International Dairy Foods Association
International Foodservice Distributors Association
National Coffee Association
American Farm Bureau


Weston A. Price Foundation
Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund
National Independent Consumers and Farmers Association
Raw Milk Association of Colorado
Farm Family Defenders
American Grassfed Association
Small Farms Conservancy
National Family Farm Coalition
Carolina Farm Stewardship Association ... l:s111-510

it's a pain to try to read through legslative legalize, and i really hate the way BOTH sides of our gubment try to use scare tactics..
when there's something i hear that sound bad, i start looking at all points of view, i always find it interesting to find out what corporate mega giants are "behind" or "supportive" of bills like this