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  1. #21
    Moderator JCO's Avatar
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    Orange Park, Florida

    Re: Let's see your worm bins!

    Just as long as you don't shave your head, start wearing a yellow sheet and dancing around in airports I'll go along with you. I've heard the calling too many times this year myself..
    Irish eyes are always smiling but
    • "In the eyes of the world, you are only as good as your last success"
    so never forget

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Let's see your worm bins!

    it would be a green though
    ""we are what we eat""

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Let's see your worm bins!

    First is 55 gallon drum of castings from over winter harvest. next is BINS I was selling that had removable side cover so U can peek at em (like kids). Last is wigglers or tiger worms that I am training..
    [attachment=2:slc24j0d]IMG_0008.jpg[/attachment:slc24j0d][attachment=1:slc24j0d]Picture 057.jpg[/attachment:slc24j0d][attachment=0:slc24j0d]IMG_0015.jpg[/attachment:slc24j0d]
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    ""we are what we eat""

  4. #24
    Moderator urbanfarmer's Avatar
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    Re: Let's see your worm bins!

    I have a few bins. I found drilling 3/8" holes is small enough to keep the worms from even trying to escape, but it provides enough air. I just drill a bunch of those in some wally world bins, and I'm good to go. I drill a few on the bottom for drainage, but man I really have had minimal leachate (or as you called it worm tea) run off from the bin. From what I have read, a well balanced worm bin should not have that much runoff.

    I will post pics next time I have a chance to snap a few, but rest assured they're quite ordinary.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Let's see your worm bins!

    urbanfarmer yep but that was before now I am educated, we now better now so leach is no longer allowed coming out of the bins. If it is we find out what we need to do to change that and fact is I am producing bigger worms now and higher numbers because the bins (big or small) are being loaded with a balance of matter that allows for moisture (so worms can breath) yet not too much to cause "anaerobic" states. Matter a fact I will not use leach it is tossed on to the lawn/fence row. However do make "worm tea" from castings but it is made the same way I make compost tea.

    We only make "aerated tea" with powerful blowers running them 48 hours. I use a 400X microscope to check the tea. Yes things are better and I learned by digging in and reading/testing and many many hours of intense research. Also I "question" facts and statements and back check the web (everyone is an expert see?). I am not so easy to say YES or NO anymore my views can change IF I see that I am wrong or I know better because people tell you things on web sites even universities yet I see worms laying cocoons below the frozen leaves at +20/F??? Well now that was a major surprise! Yes my belief is to be flexible or "research it your self" meaning don't take my word for it

    Going on year 4 now my knowledge of fungal tea bacteria tea and worm castings is at a higher level. No longer do I have to guess at it.

    Can;t wait to see pics, I have about 3 million worms now and a 4x 10 hoop shaped worm harvesting bin for winter. It is getting cold here so I needed to take all my indoor and outdoor bins and consolidate them. We have a flow through bin now that harvest castings at bottom and castings come out but worms stay in, we only feed them NON GMO food meaning we never give the worms any "ag type crop food" with gentical evil or foods that were created by injecting hormones or anti biotics. So all our worm castings are 100% pure healthy and amazing in quallity. We test on farms here side by side against other GMO soy beans and the results are so out of this world! We get excited knowing we are on the right path.

    ""we are what we eat""

  6. #26
    Moderator JCO's Avatar
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    Orange Park, Florida

    Re: Let's see your worm bins!

    Jeff, I think it's high time you wrote a book complete with graphics including offering your worm harvester for sale. "NOW IS THE TIME FOR ALL GOOD MEN...ETC." Don't be such a stranger. There is a topic section for your worms. Load it up.
    Irish eyes are always smiling but
    • "In the eyes of the world, you are only as good as your last success"
    so never forget

  7. #27
    Moderator stucco's Avatar
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    Re: Let's see your worm bins!

    Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.-- Dr. Seuss, The Lorax
    Simplicity of character is the natural result of profound thought~fortune cookie

  8. #28
    Moderator badflash's Avatar
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    Malden Bridge, NY

    Re: Let's see your worm bins!

    If you want the worms to breed you need to drench the bed and get the tea. Wet is when they breed. 3/8" is pretty big. My worms go through 1/8" squares, but it make it easy to harvest them that end up in the bottom.

    Quote Originally Posted by urbanfarmer
    I found drilling 3/8" holes is small enough to keep the worms from even trying to escape, but it provides enough air. I just drill a bunch of those in some wally world bins, and I'm good to go. I drill a few on the bottom for drainage, but man I really have had minimal leachate (or as you called it worm tea) run off from the bin. From what I have read, a well balanced worm bin should not have that much runoff.

    I will post pics next time I have a chance to snap a few, but rest assured they're quite ordinary.
    The best fertilizer is the farmer's shadow

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Let's see your worm bins!

    I have about 6-7 bins ALL different, the one that produced the biggest worms plus many breeders was a 50 gallon metal lawn roller (old and worn out) so I mounted it in the ground outside and cut a door in it. This was then filled half full with organic food waste from a local family that juices. I get 15 gallons of the stuff each week given to me on volunteer basis. These people are richer than I but WANT me to teach them and keep up the drive to teach the public about soil qualities and how we are killing people by producing LOW qaulity foods and pumping antibiotics and hormones into the meat. I pick my battles and this is one of them I will DIE for to win...and I am dead serious

    there are 3 to 5K worms in the world and not all worms eat or live the same way, it depends and where you get them from matters too, domestic? Imported? red worms? Or are they from some other country? Our are from 4 miles down the road off a free range farm with cattle and chickens that are feed range and eat natural foods. So I am sure these tiger worms react as they would down the road see? So I remember that when I propagate them. Most of my reading comes from OLD books not facebook Worms need moisture to breath through the skin but they do not need it so wet it causes anaerobic states. The auto harvest flow through bin in my shop has millions of worms and no smell, no water drips out the bottom of the metal screen on bottom and almost zero fruit flies. Yet you pry back top 1/2 inch and WOW look at them go!

    Got a call from a large "bulb and blossom" club to speak NOV 9 (get paid too) and I taught 18 people in a special class on worm bins last winter. People are hungry for the facts and the "truth" what is going into the foods and soil. Well thank God I found a farmer near by and we are now pushing TEA and CASTINGS as the sources plus modified tractor euipment to disperese tea as we pass by the crop with low cut chisel plow (he is master at building things). Funny we are not always same page on politics but when it comes to working together on some fresh ideas and goals we can NOT be taken apart and I love this guy's attitude. See we can ALL get along and make progress as long as we respect and do not put each other down, it works I know trust me it CAN BE DONE
    ""we are what we eat""

  10. #30
    Moderator davidstcldfl's Avatar
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    Saint Cloud FL USA

    Re: Let's see your worm bins!

    Hi Jeff, I'm with JCO and Stucco... Keep up the great work...and would like to hear more. Thanks !
    "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." - President Ronald Reagan

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