Quote Originally Posted by davidstcldfl
It's a shame, that there is uranium and mercury and a few others in it.

I didn't see where they talked about giving it to fish...? I guess they were adding it to the feed ?

Maybe, in the mission field, you could use the azomite on plants that your growing in the ground...and watering with AP water (?)
I'd be concerned if azomite was in the water, being used to raise duck weed.....for animal feed or human consumption. Duckweed does such a great job picking up every thing in the water, even heavy metals.

In regards to ADHD....there is a doctor in central Fl, that treats children with it, by just changing their diet. He has a success rate in the mid 90 % range. He said the 'biggie' was food dye, especially 'red'.
It's a shame, he said, some parents thought it was too much of an effort, to feed their children healthy diets. It was 'easier' to treat with drugs... and to feed fast foods, 'heat and eat' pre-made foods, and lunch meats....
That is sad...

Yes, they put the azomite in the fish feed and claimed a growth increase as much as 50%.

I kind of want to take about a pound of this stuff with me now because I want to run a side-by-side test for growing the fish. I have some non-traditional ideas to help these people grow some food... Hopefully, my "theories" hold up! LOL