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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    WANTED -> I need a renerative blower

    Hey peeps I am trying to start a business and I need to find a blower with about 60 CFM or so..I am making a compost tea brewer. If anyone knows where I can get a deal on one or at least advise me I would be grateful. It is hard times here in Michigan but I am determined to make this work. I sell worm castings and worm tea and worm bins now at the markets.

    Sorry have not been around I have been real real busy with about everything you can imagine. Garden, computer repair biz, life and back is bad so it has been a challenge.

    BUT anyway here I am again and still messing with things...learning still and trying out new ideas.

    My garden is 18 years chemical free now and the seeds germinated with worm castings back in March using Heirloom seeds, I am freezing foods each fall and we are eating the BEST veggies you can imagine!

    ""we are what we eat""

  2. #2
    Moderator wolfracer's Avatar
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    Flint Hills of Kansas

    Re: WANTED -> I need a renerative blower

    Welcome back Jeff, I was wondering how the worm business was going?

  3. #3
    Moderator badflash's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Malden Bridge, NY

    Re: WANTED -> I need a renerative blower

    I see them on ebay all the time. The place I got mine from no longer has them.
    The best fertilizer is the farmer's shadow

  4. #4
    Moderator badflash's Avatar
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    Malden Bridge, NY

    Re: WANTED -> I need a renerative blower

    Nothing wrong with Jehmco products, but one thing about blowers is that they last forever. Getting a used one is the way to go as all you normally need to do is take them apart and clean them. I got one non-working one for $25. I took it apart and found it full of food some mouse had stored in it. I replaced the starting cap and it was as good as new. You can make an intake filter cheap if the one you get doesn't have one.
    The best fertilizer is the farmer's shadow

  5. #5
    Moderator JCO's Avatar
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    Orange Park, Florida

    Re: WANTED -> I need a renerative blower

    Hey Jeff....don't be such a stranger...sorry to hear about your back...we really do miss your input
    Irish eyes are always smiling but
    • "In the eyes of the world, you are only as good as your last success"
    so never forget

  6. #6
    Moderator badflash's Avatar
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    Malden Bridge, NY

    Re: WANTED -> I need a renerative blower

    They are really simple, and most of the time if they won't put out pressure you can get a rebuild kit. Make sure the company that makes it is still in buisness to have that option.
    The best fertilizer is the farmer's shadow

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: WANTED -> I need a renerative blower

    Had a LONG reply and lost it so here are some pics
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    ""we are what we eat""

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: WANTED -> I need a renerative blower

    Worm harvester I made..[attachment=0:3lqvo0wz]g.jpg[/attachment:3lqvo0wz] First pic is view of outside rain water tank (both are 250G totes) I can transfer water as need from this to the inside tank and make tea. Next pic is the top of TEA tank, it needs clean up and minor adjustments. Need to finish mounting air lines and set up "basket" which holds castings/compost as it is being brewed. That will be easy to do once I figure out where and type of screen, needs to be easy to clean and easy to setup so I am thinking about it.[attachment=1:3lqvo0wz]f.jpg[/attachment:3lqvo0wz][attachment=2:3lqvo0wz]d.jpg[/attachment:3lqvo0wz]

    The blower needs some type of AIR filter AND can i clean this thing? I do not want to open it and discover I messed it up so any advice on that I will adhere to.
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    ""we are what we eat""

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: WANTED -> I need a renerative blower

    And here is specs for blower..its a BAD DUDE made in Germany and it is more than I needed BUT I paid $200 for it and the guy knew it was worth $500 or more used. It is in great shape..really powerful and I needed one really bad to make LARGE batches fast! I can post a video here of the thing as it is running...I love this blower! [attachment=1:1xaq0m2f]IMG_0008.jpg[/attachment:1xaq0m2f][attachment=0:1xaq0m2f]IMG_0001.jpg[/attachment:1xaq0m2f]
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    ""we are what we eat""

  10. #10
    Moderator JCO's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Orange Park, Florida

    Re: WANTED -> I need a renerative blower

    So be absolutely truthful and up front with us now aren't really excited about this small jet engine (blower) are you? So where's the kick start...doesn't look like much of a Harley engine to me. I'm beginning to think it's just a "Blow Hard"
    Irish eyes are always smiling but
    • "In the eyes of the world, you are only as good as your last success"
    so never forget

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