Hey guys I was going to build a bunch of Affnan's Bell siphons for my grow beds and was wondering if anyone in the states had built some ? I wanted to know what you used for some of the part as it seems when you go world wide parts ain't parts no mo . I think I have translated most of his parts but a couple I'm not sure . Starts out with a 25mm bulkhead and that would be 1" then it goes to a 40mm Bell reducer which would be 1.5" x 1" . The outside pipe to keep the media out he says 110 mm so I guess 4" septic would work best there . Now you are left with a pipe and a cap that he has as 80 mm and that's 3.1" which seems to me to be an odd sized pipe and an odder size cap and am not finding any thing like that . IDeas ,what did you use ?
Have A Kind Day