FYI one of the California DFG staff I've talked to told me they are having a big internal meeting around the end of March regarding raising tilapia at home, and to check in with her at the beginning of April. She says there are many people like me (us) with an interest in the outcome...
The admin part of fish and game are idiots for the most part. When a new rule comes out file a FOIA request asking for the specific legislation that allows them to regulate this particular activity Aquaponics... and the specific species. Also ask them what forms, permits, etc. are required. Bury them in paperwork. Send a FOIA request every two days asking something new... Send the request registered return receipt. Get your friends to file request as well. Ask for biological reports. Ask when the public hearing for the new rules was and if none occured, request a public hearing near your location. There are certain procedures that have to be followed. CC your request to your assemblyman and State Senator. Stir the pot and waste as much of there time as possible...It works...
fed, state and local "regs or laws" are intentionally ambiguious to allow the "law" to enforce restrictions and fines as they deem convenient for their purposes. it doesn't matter if it is for my commercial regs for truck and trailers, as a general contractor, or whether it deals with the fish and game; it just doesn't matter it is the same crap.
Tilapia infest most of the tributaries of the Salton Sea. Catch your own and keep your mouth shut. Tell people you are raising African Cichlids. It is the truth.
Force them to cite chapter & verse. Put up or shut up. They are there to enforce the rules, not make them up or twist them to their liking.
That's what I did in Montana, and I won, they backed off and I've never heard from them since. Get the law, print it out, and wait for them to show up, but wait with a video camera in your hand .... They hate being photographed when they try to break/make up state laws ..... then call the cops for them to be arrested for breaking the law 'under color of law' etc. etc. Like Terry C. says, bury them (and the local cops too, if necessary) in paperwork! They hate the idea of one of their slaves knowing what the law actually says! It's been my experience that most of the F&G (FWP here) drones don't actually know what the law says, they just take their superior's word for what the law says ..... it's worked for me many times, and not just with the F&G drones but with most state employees! Remember, they work for you, they aren't your Master. And, if you are filming, make sure that you let them know what constitutional errors they are making (like being secure in your home; life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness; anything else you can include! If you can make a Federal case out of it, they may back off faster!
I use the Linux Operating System ...... Free as in beer!
You're never too old to learn something
Aquaponics - food'n'fish at your doorstep
Helena, Montana - Home of the Northernmost Monument to the Confederacy
Tilapia infest most of the tributaries of the Salton Sea. Catch your own and keep your mouth shut. Tell people you are raising African Cichlids. It is the truth.
Good point Most of them wouldn't know one Cichlid from another, and I would think that there is an exemption in the law somewheres that states that if you're raising tropical fish (Tilapia are a tropical fish) in your home or office, it's not under the F&G's jurisdiction. I used to buy Mossies in Salt Lake City 30 years ago, that were sold as "African Mouthbrooders" - just another tropical African Cichlid and then someone let the cat out of the bag and the drones found out that they were also a food fish that they could tax, permit and license <|:^(
I use the Linux Operating System ...... Free as in beer!
You're never too old to learn something
Aquaponics - food'n'fish at your doorstep
Helena, Montana - Home of the Northernmost Monument to the Confederacy
In Texas possession is not the big problem transporting them is the big fine. The law reads something about the fish must be gutted before transportation. This is to stop the spread of certain vegetation that is more invasive than the fish. It's a pretty good fine here so you might want to keep the bucket you transport them in hidden..
Lord, grant me the ability to change the things I can,
The tenacity to change the things I can’t,
And the ignorance not to know the difference...