You nailed it JCO..I feel the same way and you know what? It is my view that we the people are also to blame because we allowed these things to happen and we became comfortable with someone taking care of us with food production.

By the way you really speak truth and never stop please.

I have a vision of aquaponics being all solar and /or wind powered, hydroponic same way. I can see ponds being used as a food source not just the water but the fish ammonia. I can see solar radiant heat being used as a power source (cans painted black and sealed in a row).

With 1 life to live it makes no sense not to try as you have mentioned they had visions years ago that came true. Yes we in a "don't worry we will supply you with your food world" and it does not have to be this way (I am talkaing about corp food production by the way).

This is why I bring up my grandpa's farm at times because it was "independent" of mans production food chain. And by the way Farmers Markets and CSA's are becoming popular again and is it no wonder why? We are canning this fall and will try that food vac seal deal as much as possible because there is no excuse not to.

There are drugs and pills to treat things that are caused simply by "eating the wrong foods". But it makes people rich (pills) so the cycle became a giant wheel and it get's bigger each day. Fix it pill's for what ever you need. Now they come out with a pill that helps people detach from emotional stress such as death in family and job loss. It is a pill that actually numbs a part of the senses so you do not have to feel the full blown that scary or what??

Sure life can be tough but don't detach me from living it..pfffffff !

NUFF is right...let's change direction and I am not thinking of gov't leaders I am thinking that "we" as people can change. For example the way we eat and we need to re-educate the willing public "little by little" why we need to get back to square one. It is all about health and being responsible in choices as to what we eat and how we eat.

I smoked 35 years then in 2006 I was told I had mild copd at 49 and I hate the fact I damaged my lungs and watched a brother and Dad die from smoking. But I "changed" and quit smoking over 2 years ago now I feel 100% better and I eat better.
So did change help me?..Oh yea!