Hello all! I am new to aquaponics (although not fishkeeping), but I did my research and hooked up a DIY aquaponic system to my 32 gallon goldfish tank. The growbed is a 10 gallon tank I got in a sale (20"X10"X12"). I used a DIY PVC overflow to drain the water to the growbed since it is lower than my fish tank and I can't drill it. The water is sent back via a pump on the other side of the growbed. This is a continuous flood system with the water level about 4 inches below the surface. I planted some cherry tomato seeds in there and about 6 of them sprouted in a week. I realize that a 10 gallon tank is not going hold 6 tomatoes since they would probably get fairly large. Do anyone know how many tomato plants I could have space wise in my growbed? I have 2 fancy goldfish who are both heavy poopers in the tank. I also have tons of invert and ottos to control algae. Also, how far apart should the tomato plants be?
Help is appreciated!![]()