1) costs for students?
2) online classes for us west-coasters?
3) example of curriculum?
I truly appreciate your interest, however right now I am just trying to get the greenhouse up and ready for spring crops to be put in in January. I have a tremendous amount of work to do between now and then getting everything in position for that.

I won't have an answer for any of your questions until about Feb. 2015 but I will tell you this, the cost of all courses online or here on location will be far less expensive and more complete in content than any course/s offered by anyone.....ANYWHERE.

The same goes for the seminars....I haven't decided yet but I might also offer webinars. This all remains to be seen but good lord willin' and the creeks don't rise (and I don't croak from the effort) "IT WILL HAPPEN")

Thanks agin for your interest and stay with me on this so you know if I croaked or not..