Hello all, I have been scouring the internet trying to track down the materials needed for Affnan's new design on his siphon. Amazingly it seems I cannot go anywhere locally to secure even a few of the items at once, but rather pick and choose from a few different places. After reading these forums I was able to find a site called flexpvc.com to purchase the Reducing Bell, but I cannot find anyplace reasonable to purchase the 3" vent cowl he uses. I either find a wholesale distributor or one place that wanted to charge $150 in freight. Can anyone be of assistance on this?

I am looking to start a basement system. So far I have secured the 2 50 Gallon rubbermaid poly totes and my work was getting rid of some fluorescent light fixtures, 100 gallon tote is next on my list to track down at a reasonable price. After that though I need help with these siphon pieces and figuring out a good pump to go with for a system this size.