Hey guys and girls

I have managed to get my hands on an IBC tote for $50, I plan to make an ebb and flow system out of this one.

Parts: 1 IBC Tote, 1 water pump 45w 2,500 liter ph/660 gallon ph, 4 bags of hydroton (clay balls), PVC piping for outflow, water tubing for inflow, 2 plastic bottles to make the bell siphon (will add parts to this list during the build, as I have probably forgotten a few parts).

Plan: I plan to make the same old tried and true IBC system, I will be cutting the top off and flipping it upside down to be my grow bed, I hope to be able to fill the fish tank up to about 800 liters/ 210 gallons, I plan to have 8 inches of hydroton in the grow bed, and aim for about 5-6 inches as the max water height in the grow bed, I will make a bell siphon out of a 1.25 liter bottle and a 2.25 liter bottle, I plan to sit the grow bed on the fish tank so that half of the fish tanks top is still accessible, however I plan to place this entire system outside, so to protect the water from the sun I want to make a trapdoor style door for the front half. I hope to paint the outside of this system and the cage around it, haven't decided on colours yet though. I haven't decided on the fish I want to have in this one yet, but tossing up between rainbow trout, salmon or silver perch.


Are there any obvious flaws?

Does anyone have any hints or tips?

Does anyone have any suggestions about the trapdoor? (I'm basically the "unhandy man" so I'm learning as I go with building things)

Are there any types of paints to steer clear of or paints I should look for?

Are there any precautions I can/need to take if I want to paint the outside?

What's the the easiest way to seal/set in place an upside down plastic fizzy drink bottle? (using where the lid screws on as the exit for the grow bed)

I think that covers it, Thank you for reading

Jay the Druid from Aus