Eddiemigue, thanks! I know it's possible to use a dye (I'm thinking food coloring as it's "nontoxic") I've decided to take the extra steps to confirm my hypothesis... I'll post back once I get a chance to test these, get my ratio right, and explain process.

I would think breeding would still be possible in high density stocking, although the fry survival rate would be slim... The hormones you speak of (I think this is based off internet research which we all know how accurate that can be) is actually introduced hormones to sterilize the fish or switch one sex so all are the same... This is why hybrids are so popular for food fish as they have been selectively bred for hardiness, size, and a common biproduct is 90+% male offspring... Once again I could be very wrong on that as I've read a lot of information and can't trust most internet sources!!

Very glad I could be of help! I've also heard with the bigger/older breeders you should expect higher offspring numbers!