I have rain barrels, an Organic Garden, Japanese Quail, Food Stockpile and a Aquaponic System. One of my biggest concerns when the SHTF is, the lack of electricity for my AP and myself. I know that this is a little off subject...but I'll give it a try.

I have a large solar system on my home, it's tied to the grid with no batteries to back it up, I do have a large generator that I want to use somehow to activate the converter when the grid goes down.

Do you know of a way to use either a few batteries or a generator to fire up the converter and allow it to work from sunrise to sunset? The converter gets power from the power company start and shuts down auto during daylight hours. I was thinking if the grid goes down during the day, I could flip off the main breaker and use an alternate power source to activate the converter. Once the converter starts making electricity, then back feed that electric to the converter breaker and I should have 100% solar power. I know that there is a automatic shut off switch that trips when the grid goes down, so no electric will harm the line men. With my main breaker off, if I can supply the safety switch with 110 volts it should than activate the converter to produce solar power. This could benefit thousands of households with solar panels when the grid is down.
